Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Advice on Health and Fitness

Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year.

Would not you just love to be able to feel that way about every year of your life? Would not you love to be able to put the same feeling in every year of your child's life? In every year of the lives of your dearest and most loved ones? If yes, then keep reading.

Good health is not a fable; it's a reality as bright as the day. I find it sad at times when my friends, people in their 20s, complain of fatigue and restlessness. They seem to be under the impression that to embody that 'Picture of Good Health' will require Herculean effort on their parts, something they do not have energy for to begin with. How all of us end with such fears is a worrying thing. Sadly, a lot of us end up going back to either superstition when it comes to health or doctors. No one is undermining the respected medical profession, but when an individual needs a therapist to tell him or her that "8 hours of sleep is mandatory for normal body functioning" or "you can not live on coffee" it is sad. We could have spared ourselves so much trouble, had we known sooner. Ah well! Better late than never.

So what to do? Well for starters, stop dreading the unknown. Just because so far we have not taken any courses on how to stay healthy and fit, is no reason to continue living that way. And just because a fatal disease has not killed me yet, does not necessarily mean I'm fit as a fiddle. The first step is to take the first step. Doctors are not to be dreaded, nor does one have to enroll in a costly health program to get our very own health regime. It just takes some good, time-tested habit development, backed by a sincere determination to succeed.

Here are the general Fitness Advice which, despite their apparent simplicity, are highly effective;

1. Drink lots of water: yes folks! Good old H2O. Nothing beats it. Tear yourself away from going through all those gallons of soft drinks a day and embrace nature's solution to your thirst. It's great for your homeostasis to have at least 8 glasses of water a day and up to 12 glasses in summer. A healthy water intake protects you from acne to heart attacks. If tap water worries you, it Bottled Mineral. Ensure that your child is a water-fan too!

2. A peaceful sleep 8 hours: It's not just the insomnia patients who have trouble functioning in their daily life. Choosing work or socializing over getting a good night 'sleep is not the key to success, to a premature retirement yes, but not success. Make sure the house is "lights out!" by 10 pm.

3. Walk! Sitting in front of the PC is about all the new age of white-collar employees are doing. But have you noticed how little visual relaxation you end up getting in a working day? What about stiffening of muscles? Heartburns? All these problems and many more of their friends are the result of less moving around more and staying put. So put this routine on reverse gear. Do not eat lunch at your desk, get out of the office, walk to a nearby restaurant and be sure there's a salad lunch in that you order. Also try walking to your workplace if it's near, or get off the bus a few blocks short of your workplace and make that your morning walk. Stay-at-home moms can walk their kids to school. This will give the children an early habit of walking small distances.

4. Talk to your physician: set realistic health goal and have a heart to heart with your physician. Listen carefully to what he or she says and be true to yourself in following their advice.

For more information please go over


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Advice For Man on Skin Care

We see all the time, the marketing of products for skin care for women and how they should use them to look beautiful and have smooth skin and bright, but not often a man with a skin-care creams or other types of products for the skin. I believe that the main reason is that women are impulse buyers and more men need to explain why they need to skin care.

But for all the best advice on skin care man, I can give you to ignore all the hype and marketing skin care products, you have heard all the time and the ordinary skin-care routine using some of the basic principle that every person should do in their lives.

Some of the most important principles:

  1. Using the UV filter to prevent sun rays, which are the main cause of the aging of the skin and wrinkles?
  2. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily to keep skin hydrated.
  3. Exercise every day, or at least several times a week to let your blood all through his body.
  4. Eat a healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, which contain vitamin C, E and D, which anti-oxidants, which protect the skin from toxins.
  5. Avoid excessive stress and try to relax.
  6. Do not use skins care products, fragrances, because they contain toxins that hurt the skin tissue.
  7. Use only skin care products, which contain natural ingredients, with minimal chemicals, read labels and be informed.

These are some of the most important tips for skin care man, that if they'll have plenty of healthy skin and successful in the long run. However, this does not mean that you should not use skin-care creams or other products that can help you look a lot better.

Just make sure that the product is to use natural ingredients and can really help keep his youthful skin by increasing the production of collagen and elastin in your skin. And a lot of vitamins, to protect the skin from free radicals and environmental toxins dangerous.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Benefits of Anti Cellulite Creams

Basically, cellulite is the appearance of lumpy skin that looks similar to cottage cheese. This substance is commonly found on the stomach, butts and thighs. Actually, cellulite is the popular name for gathering of fat that is pushed against the connective tissue under a person's skin. This makes the surface of the skin look lumpy, pucker give an orange peel appearance. There are several anti cellulite treatments and products available on the market that can help you get rid of cellulite. However, some of the most popular products are the anti cellulite creams.

These anti cellulite creams have caffeine and retinol that help the body get rid of the excess fat under the skin. So, the regular use of such creams will help you reduce the cellulite drastically. There are several other benefits of anti cellulite creams people use. These advantages are:

  • • Anti Cellulite cream is a great way to tone the body. Especially those areas hard to target with cellulite exercise like thighs, stomach, arms, hips and buttocks etc.
  • • These creams also reduce the unsightly cellulites and also enhance the sleek and smooth look of the body.
  • • An anti cellulite cream is very easy to use. All you need is to follow the instructions mentioned on the pack or given by your doctor.
  • • Besides this, these creams also help regenerate the skin and give strength to the connective tissues that are responsible for tightness, elasticity, firmness and suppleness to the skin.
  • • Further, these anti cellulite creams prevent the formation of cellulite in the body along with slowing down of the fat storage.
  • • One of the most appreciated benefits of these creams is that these are capable of immediate elimination of excess fat deposit below the dermis in cellulite prone areas.

Once you know the benefits of anti cellulite creams, it is important for you to know how to choose the best anti cellulite cream. There are several brands available that promise to melt away the excess fat under your hips, thighs, arms, and stomach etc. Most cellulite creams also claim to tone and firm your skin with ingredients that minimize toxins and purify the imperfections caused by cellulite.

You can choose between high-end brands and drugstore brands. All these products are easily found on the web and you can select between cellulite creams, cellulite gels and cellulite lotions. The first thing that you need to focus on with any anti cellulite cream is its ingredients. One of the most commonly used ingredients in these creams is Aminophylline. This ingredient is a muscle relaxant. It is also used to make the asthma medicine that helps to relax the lungs. Another common ingredient that you should look for in any anti cellulite cream is Retinoids. This is used for reducing wrinkles from the skin.

Finally, you should always consult your doctor before using any anti cellulite cream to ensure your own safety. Your dermatologist knows what is best for your skin and what is not; so better take his or her advice before trying anything new!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

5 Natural Skin Care Tips to Younger Looking Skin

5 Skin Care Tips to Younger Looking Skin

Skin ages over time. It's inevitable. But we can have young looking skin for longer. Simply follow these five natural tips to slow down the aging process and stay younger longer.

1. The most important thing you can do is to limit exposure to the sun. The sun ages skin quicker than anything. When in the sun make sure you use sun block to limit the effects.

2. Consume foods high in selenium. Selenium 'kills off' free radicals. Free radicals can break down collagen. Collagen is responsible for tightening the skin. Examples of such foods include corn, wheat, rice, brazil nuts, walnuts, soybeans, beef, chicken, egg, cheese and tuna.

3. Phytochemicals can be described as any nutrient derived from a plant source. Phytochemicals have many benefits for the skin and should be included in your diet for optimum skin functioning and appearance. Foods high in phytochemicals include red, green, yello and orange vegetables, dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, citrus fruits, berries (especially blueberries), whole grains, beans, garlic, leeks and flaxseeds.

4. Drink plenty of water. Water flushes out toxins from the body which can be responsible for prematurely aging skin. Water also keeps the skin hydrated.

5. Avoid stress. Stress is responsible for premature aging on the inside and outside. Stress makes you feel lethargic and lacking in energy. On the outside it causes wrinkles and dramatically ages the skin, as well as causing greying of the hair. Either avoid stressful situations, or learn to manage them. Stress balls, deep breathing and relaxation are some ways to eliminate stress.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Seven Tips of Skin Care For African Americans

Skin care health promotion is an important part of life today. People want to look good and look younger all the time, but the effects of the environment, and the daily stress of work and family demands impacts heavily on the health of our skin. Still, with a few simple tips of skin care easy.

1. The eyes.

It is important to keep your eyes looking relaxed and supple. A good eye cream will soften the delicate skin under the eyes and help decrease the effect of darkness there.

2. The wrinkles

Wrinkles are a part of being human, and skin African care American philosophy should always focus on wrinkle care and reduction or stagnation. There are numerous products on the market suitable for all sorts of skin types and it is not too difficult to decipher which ones are the best ones to use. Natural products, of course, are always best because they include vitamins and other organic essences, such as oils.

3. The scrubs

A good facial scrub is essential to skin care because scrubs remove dead skin cells and help the skin look and feel more radiant.

4. The masks

A good facial mask is also a vital addition to any skincare regime, because masks help to relax and nourish the skin. Relaxed skin and muscles result in younger looking skin.

5. The cleansers

Clean skin is the most basic part of skin health and there are many economical skin cleansers on the market. No one should go without a skin cleanser.

6. The moisturizers

Skin African care for American is all about rejuvenating tired and aging skin and so a good moisturizer should be made available and included in every skin care regime. Moisturizers replenish the skin and make the skin more flexible and supple. This results in better looking skin.

7. The hands

Hands also need to be cared for with the use of specially formulated creams. Our hands are always busy doing something but they rarely get the treatment that faces get. This is wrong. Hands should be well moisturized at all times. A good skin care regime will always include a good hand cream.

These are the seven basic facts for a good skin African care American style regime. Investing in the above seven products is all you need to achieve younger and healthier looking skin.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Secret Beauty Tips

Thinking about upgrading hair style? It may be difficult for the decision, especially when they are riding the current done for several years. We all have a huge debate about the hair style to go with when finally decide to make changes, go shorter, longer, a new color, highlights, who should perform the cutting, aaahhhhh! It can feel overwhelming at times as much, because the way we feel about how they look is related to our style of hair - and it makes sense after all your hair frames the face and gives guidance to endless about other who you are.

Change your hair style

Decision-making in large intestine, you have to commit themselves to fear, that may be terrible mistake, and that will come out on the other end - Ugly!

The first thing to remember is that regardless of what will choose a hairstyle look different, better or worse, and making changes is fun. This is an area to challenge themselves and potentially personal growth experience for you.

When Change Hairstyles

  1. was more than 3 years, because it's really changed his hair style
  2. feel like your life is stagnant, whether it is your career, family, relationship or money. Making one change often leads to the other - are beginning to hair and see what happens.
  3. fashion and hairstyle, does not seem to match

If one of these criteria match, then it is time to change that hair!

Now you are ready to decide on a new hair style, I admit is complex and can never be sure. My best advice at this stage of change is taking no more than 1 week to decide, preferably not more than 48 hours. Chances are, if you think about a change in the hair you think about this for a moment. Sit down with a friend, the hair style magazine Your stylist or all three and mix just a few ideas, then you've got to just continue to do so.

The Best Hair Style for Your Face Shape

As fun as play around with different hairstyles, that it is important to bear in mind that not every hairstyle that looks great for a friend, co-worker or celebrity will show up for good. The shape of the face may largely determine whether the styling works for you or act against you.

Determining the shape of your face First of all, we need to find out exactly what is the shape of your face. There are several ways to get this response, more scientific than others. Select the method that most of you:

The detection method: Hold your face in tracking mirror and around the face with lipstick on a mirror. Pull your head off, and voile, the shape of your face. This method seems to be obscure and somewhat inaccurate.

In Towel Method: Cover face with a towel or a thin piece of fabric. This creates a simple blank outline be viewed without your facial features reverse. Then ask a friend to tell you what shape the face. This method allows for some interpretation, but can still be quite effective. If your friend not to be identified individually, have an image you accept it, and then two can discuss them together.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What's in Your Skin Care Cream

What's in Your Skin Care Cream

What's in Your Skin Care Cream

The skin care industry has the public convinced that their products will bring you a glowing complexion, reduce wrinkles and reduce discoloration. However, the cosmetic industry is not regulated and so long as they list the ingredients on the bottle as required by the FDA they can make all the claims they like. Additionally, many skin care companies use the term Naturally when in reality many products contain less than 1% of a natural ingredient such as aloe Vera, or other essential oils.

In reality many cosmetics and baby products contain harmful ingredients which are detrimental to your health or your babies. The United Nations Environmental Program estimates that approximately 70,000 chemicals are in common use across the world with 1,000 new chemicals being introduced every year. Of all the chemicals used in cosmetics, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has reported that nearly 900 are toxic - although other groups attack that figure as being far too conservative.

Below are a few guidelines when selecting a skin care product.

Talc is commonly used to dry, freshen and deodorize the skin. It is a mineral consisting of hydrated magnesium silicate. Research has suggested that women who use talcum powder for personal hygiene between their legs are more likely to get ovarian cancer. It is thought that talc may travel up into the vagina, through the cervix into the womb, along the fallopian tubes, to the ovaries, causing irritation and inflammation, resulting in cancerous changes. Additionally, inhalation of talc may irritate the respiratory system.

Triclosan is an antimicrobial chemical found in hand washes, toothpastes and household products; it may kill 'friendly bacteria' which help with digestion and protect the body from more serious infection. There is cause for concern that the overuse of anti-bacterial products inhibits the normal process of the immune system to ward off germs.

Phthalates is used to make plastics flexible, they are found in shampoos, moisturizers, nail polishes and hair sprays. Animal studies have suggested links with testicular abnormalities in male offspring exposed to these chemicals in the womb. Phthalates like all chemical processed ingredients in cosmetics are absorbed through the skin or inhaled.

Sodium laurel sulphate was originally used as an industrial degreasing; it is widely used in shampoos, bubble baths and other washing products to product foam. This chemical can irritate eyes, skin and mouth.

Aluminums salts (eg: aluminum chlorohydrate) is used in antiperspirants and deodorants, they dissolve onto the skin to create a coating over sweat glands and so reduce the amount of sweat that is released. There have been concerns that this chemical may be related to breast cancer.

Parabens (eg: methylparaben (E218), ethylparaben (E214)) are used as preservatives in cosmetics, food and household products, they may mimic the female hormone, estrogen. Concerns focus on a possible link to breast cancer, when used in deodorants.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

About Your Skin

Quick! What's the biggest organ in your body?

You might be surprised to find out it's the skin, which you might not think of as an organ. No matter how you think of it, your skin is very important. It covers and protects everything inside your body. Without skin, people's muscles, bones, and organs would be hanging out all over the place. Skin holds everything together.

It also:
  1. protects our bodies
  2. helps keep our bodies at just the right temperature
  3. allows us to have the sense of touch
Don't Miss Your Epidermis

The skin is made up of three layers, each with its own important parts. The layer on the outside is called the epidermis (say: eh-pih-dur-mis). The epidermis is the part of your skin you can see.

Look down at your hands for a minute. Even though you can't see anything happening, your epidermis is hard at work. At the bottom of the epidermis, new skin cells are forming.When the cells are ready, they start moving toward the top of your epidermis. This trip takes about 2 weeks to a month. As newer cells continue to move up, older cells near the top die and rise to the surface of your skin. What you see on your hands (and everywhere else on your body) are really dead skin cells.
These old cells are tough and strong, just right for covering your body and protecting it. But they only stick around for a little while. Soon, they'll flake off. Though you can't see it happening, every minute of the day we lose about 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells off the surface of our skin. So just in the time it took you to read this far, you've probably lost about 40,000 cells.

That's almost 9 pounds (4 kilograms) of cells every year! But don't think your skin might wear out someday. Your epidermis is always making new skin cells that rise to the top to replace the old ones. Most of the cells in your epidermis (95%) work to make new skin cells. And what about the other 5%? They make a substance called melanin (say: mel-uh-nun). Melanin gives skin its color. The darker your skin is, the more melanin you have. When you go out into the sun, these cells make extra melanin to protect you from getting burned by the sun's ultraviolet, or UV, rays.
That's why your skin gets tan if you spend a lot of time in the sun. But even though melanin is mighty, it can't shield you all by itself. You'll want to wear sunscreen and protective clothing, such as a hat, to prevent painful sunburns. Protecting your skin now also can help prevent skin cancer when you get older.

The Dermis Is Under the Epidermis

The next layer down is the dermis (say: dur-mis). You can't see your dermis because it's hidden under your epidermis. The dermis contains nerve endings, blood vessels, oil glands,and sweat glands. It also contains collagen and elastin, which are tough and stretchy. The nerve endings in your dermis tell you how things feel when you touch them. They work with your brain and nervous system, so that your brain gets the message about what you're touching. Is it the soft fur of a cat or the rough surface of your skateboard? Sometimes what you feel is dangerous, so the nerve endings work with your muscles to keep you from getting hurt. If you touch something hot, the nerve endings in your dermis respond right away: "Ouch! That's hot!" The nerves quickly send this message to the brain or spinal cord, which then immediately commands the muscles to take your hand away. This all happens in a split second, without you ever thinking about it. Your dermis is also full of tiny blood vessels. These keep your skin cells healthy by bringing them the oxygen and nutrients they need and by taking away waste. These blood vessels are hard to see in kids, but you might get a better look if you check out your grandparents' skin. As the dermis gets older, it gets thinner and easier to see through. The dermis is home to the oil glands, too. These are also called sebaceous (say: sih-bay-shus) glands, and they are always producing sebum (say: see-bum). Sebum is your skin's own natural oil. It rises to the surface of your epidermis to keep your skin lubricated and protected. It also makes your skin waterproof — as long as sebum's on the
scene, your skin won't absorb water and get soggy. You also have sweat glands on your epidermis. Even though you can't feel it, you actually sweat a tiny bit all the time. The sweat comes up through pores (say: pors), tiny holes in the skin that allow it to escape. When the sebum meets the sweat, they form a protective
film that's a bit sticky.An easy way to see this film in action is to pick up a pin with your fingers. Then wash your hands well with soap and water and dry them off completely. Now try to pick up that pin again. It won't be so easy because your sticky layer is gone! Don't worry — it will be back soon, as your sebaceous and sweat glands create more sticky stuff.

The Third Layer Is Subcutaneous Fat

The third and bottom layer of the skin is called the subcutaneous (say: sub-kyoo-tay-nee-us)layer. It is made mostly of fat and helps your body stay warm and absorb shocks, like if you bang into something or fall down. The subcutaneous layer also helps hold your skin to all the tissues underneath it. This layer is where you'll find the start of hair, too. Each hair on your body grows out of a tiny tube in the skin called a follicle (say: fah-lih-kul). Every follicle has its roots way down in the subcutaneous layer and continues up through the dermis. You have hair follicles all over your body, except on your lips, the palms of your hands,and the soles of your feet. And you have more hair follicles in some places than in others — there are more than 100,000 follicles on your head alone! Your hair follicles rely on your sebaceous glands to bring on the shine. Connected to each follicle in the dermis layer is a tiny sebaceous gland that releases sebum onto the hair. This lightly coats the hair with oil, giving it some shine and a little waterproofing.

Skin Can Warm and Cool You

Your skin can help if you're feeling too hot or too cold. Your blood vessels, hair, and sweat glands cooperate to keep your body at just the right temperature. If you were to run around in the heat, you could get overheated. If you play outside when it's cold, your inner temperature could drop. Either way, your skin can help. Your body is pretty smart. It knows how to keep your temperature right around 98.6° Fahrenheit (37° Celsius) to keep you and your cells healthy. Your skin can respond to
messages sent out by your hypothalamus (say: hy-po-thal-uh-mus), the brain's inner
thermometer. If you've been running around on a hot day, your blood vessels get the signal from the hypothalamus to release some of your body's heat. They do this by bringing warm blood closer to the surface of your skin. That's why you sometimes get a red face when you run around. To cool you down, sweat glands also swing into action by making lots of sweat to release body heat into the air. The hotter you are, the more sweat your glands make! Once the sweat hits the air, it evaporates (this means that it changes from a liquid to a vapor) off your skin, and you cool down. What about when you're ice-skating or sledding? When you're cold, your blood vessels keep. your body from losing heat by narrowing as much as possible and keeping the warm blood away from the skin's surface. You might notice tiny bumps on your skin. Most kids call these goosebumps, but the fancy name for them is the pilomotor (say: py-lo-mo-ter) reflex. The reflex makes special tiny muscles called the erector pili (say: ee-rek-tur pie-lie) muscles pull on your hairs so they stand up very straight.

Source :http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/htbw/skin.html