Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Secret Beauty Tips

Thinking about upgrading hair style? It may be difficult for the decision, especially when they are riding the current done for several years. We all have a huge debate about the hair style to go with when finally decide to make changes, go shorter, longer, a new color, highlights, who should perform the cutting, aaahhhhh! It can feel overwhelming at times as much, because the way we feel about how they look is related to our style of hair - and it makes sense after all your hair frames the face and gives guidance to endless about other who you are.

Change your hair style

Decision-making in large intestine, you have to commit themselves to fear, that may be terrible mistake, and that will come out on the other end - Ugly!

The first thing to remember is that regardless of what will choose a hairstyle look different, better or worse, and making changes is fun. This is an area to challenge themselves and potentially personal growth experience for you.

When Change Hairstyles

  1. was more than 3 years, because it's really changed his hair style
  2. feel like your life is stagnant, whether it is your career, family, relationship or money. Making one change often leads to the other - are beginning to hair and see what happens.
  3. fashion and hairstyle, does not seem to match

If one of these criteria match, then it is time to change that hair!

Now you are ready to decide on a new hair style, I admit is complex and can never be sure. My best advice at this stage of change is taking no more than 1 week to decide, preferably not more than 48 hours. Chances are, if you think about a change in the hair you think about this for a moment. Sit down with a friend, the hair style magazine Your stylist or all three and mix just a few ideas, then you've got to just continue to do so.

The Best Hair Style for Your Face Shape

As fun as play around with different hairstyles, that it is important to bear in mind that not every hairstyle that looks great for a friend, co-worker or celebrity will show up for good. The shape of the face may largely determine whether the styling works for you or act against you.

Determining the shape of your face First of all, we need to find out exactly what is the shape of your face. There are several ways to get this response, more scientific than others. Select the method that most of you:

The detection method: Hold your face in tracking mirror and around the face with lipstick on a mirror. Pull your head off, and voile, the shape of your face. This method seems to be obscure and somewhat inaccurate.

In Towel Method: Cover face with a towel or a thin piece of fabric. This creates a simple blank outline be viewed without your facial features reverse. Then ask a friend to tell you what shape the face. This method allows for some interpretation, but can still be quite effective. If your friend not to be identified individually, have an image you accept it, and then two can discuss them together.

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